Lawn Care Junkies

Shrub & Bush Trimming
Spring & Fall Clean Ups
Mowing Service
Fertilizer & Weed Control
8 - Round Fertilizer & Weed Control
Pet & Human Safe
Reshaping Shrubs & Bushes
Clearing Away Clippings
Leaf Clean Up
Branches, and Clutter
Bush Trimming
Mulch Installations
Mow, Edge, and Trim
Flowerbed Clean Out

Landscape Projects
Stone Flowerbeds
Plant Installations
Mulch Installations
Flowerbed Clean Out

Natural Hardwood
Dyed Black Mulch
Dyed Red Mulch

About Lawn Care Junkies

Hi Y'all,
I am Gabriel Rincon Gallardo, owner, and operator of Lawn Care Junkies! It all started in the summer of 2019; I started mowing lawns around my community. I was only 15 years old and walked in this Texas heat with all my tools in hand. I don't know how I did it; this heat is no joke. Ever since I was young, I have always had an entrepreneurial mindset. That is one of the reasons why I've thrived and achieved so much in such little time. My hard work and eagerness to grow have now put me in a blessed position; I had no clue I'd be here today. Fast forward to now, Class of 22', I graduated High School early, and I am ready to put my entire focus, heart, and passion into Lawn Care Junkies. I'm a business owner built out of pocket money, thrive, hard work, and great referrals are given because of my quality work.